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HFU Organic Rose Tea Health Beauty Drinks Relieves Stress Improves Sleep Weight Loss Immune Support Detox Slimming Products

Original price was: $5.81.Current price is: $1.86.

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HFU Organic Rose Tea Health Beauty Drinks Relieves Stress Improves Sleep Weight Loss Immune Support Detox Slimming Products

Brand Name: Hemp for U

Item Type: Rose Tea

Net content: 25g

Main effects: beautify the skin, improve digestion, regulate mood, promote metabolism, help sleep, enhance immunity, etc.


1. Beauty Rose tea has the effects of promoting qi and blood circulation, and reconciling the internal organs. Regular drinking can moisturize the skin, promote blood circulation, eliminate stains, and improve skin tone.

2. Good for health Provide a variety of vitamins to release physical and mental stress. Roses have a positive effect on the heart.

3. Appropriate drinking rose tea has good effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi, refreshing and refreshing, relieving depression, depression, and pleasant mood.

4. Eliminate fatigue Roses are sweet and slightly bitter, and warm in nature. In addition, the medicinal properties of roses are very mild, which can nourish people’s heart, liver, and blood, relax the body’s stagnation, and have the effect of soothing and eliminating fatigue.

5. Remove bad breath Rose tea contains a variety of phenols, such as geraniol and nerol. Drinking it regularly can improve bad breath.


When making rose tea, you can add rock sugar or honey according to your personal taste to reduce the astringency of roses and enhance the effect. It is recommended not to use 100 ℃ boiling water for scented tea, 75-90 ℃ water is more suitable.


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