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Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract 90% HCA natural herbs Boost Metabolism Natural slim weight loss effective for slimming



ure Garcinia Cambogia Extract 90% HCA natural herbs Boost Metabolism Natural slim weight loss effective for slimming


Health Function:This product is evaluated by animal experiments, and has the function Weight Losing Slim of Detoxifyingbeauty modulating and defecation improving

Dosage:3-5 Tablets per time, Once per day.

Specification:500mg/tablets*60 tablets

Shelf Life:24 months

Storage:Sealed and a dry place

-Increase intestinal motility

useful in helping to control body weight.
It will promote glycogen synthesis and increase energy levels.
Regulating fat metabolism, inhibiting lipogenesis and promoting fat burning.
Used to reduce blood lipids and increase fat oxidation/mobilization.
To be able to promote weight loss and suppresses appetite.
Promote glycogen synthesis and increase energy levels
-Increase intestinal motility
– Drop dress sizes
– Reduced belly fat
– Lose excess weight
– Block fat production
– Increase metabolism
– Increased focus and energy
– No side effects
– Highest quality pure ingredients


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